Archivos para las entradas con etiqueta: colour

Here we are going to make a chromatic circle using a flash simulator.

We have to move the cursor of the primary colors. For these chromatic circle we will only need 50% and 10% of color.

Primary colors 100 % Mixing two primary colors al a time 100% each to obtain secondary colors. Mixing two primary colors al a time, one of them 100% the other 50%


Here are some finished Kandinsky look-alike paintings made by art students like yourselves.

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Creating Bubble prints
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  • Colour Method. A fantastic game to help you understand the colour wheel. It is created for Method of Action, which is a collection of tools, games and articles to help you learn design.
  • Color of my sound. Enjoy! Music in color.
  • Color Palette Generator. Enter the URL of an image to get a color palette that matches the image. This is useful for coming up with a website color palette that matches a key image a client wants to work with.
  • Color Hunter. A similar one.
  • El color. All about color with a lot of interactive activities. 
  • Creating colors: You can work right here with RGB COLORS.
  • 7 activities to be creative using colors in Plas-TIC I.
  • 6 activities to learn more about colors in Plas-TIC II.

Play with this application that explains the differences between ADITIVE and SUSTRACTIVE mixes.


Play with temperas, but follow this little piece of advice:

Now check this out!!! A video about colour, a very interesting explaination about colour perception:





Draw a 10 cm radius circumference and divide it in 12 equal parts, then colour the primary, secondary and tertiary colours (in this order) using only the three primary colour pencils. Write the names of the colours and divide it in two parts, indicating warm and cool colour schemes.

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You will have to paint the “Colour Wheel” but as a part of something else: for example a clock, it might be a watch, an alarm clock, a grandfather clock, etc.

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